4) Place webbing side down onto the wrong side of your lining fabric.
5) Fuse to fabric with an iron following the manufacturers directions for the fusible web.

6) With a ruler and a fabric marker, draw a line 3/8" above the top of the case to allow for a hem.
7) Cut out the lining along the outlines, including the one above the top edge made in step 6.

8) Remove the paper backing from the lining fabric and fold the 3/8" hem allowance down across the top. Finger press into place or pin.

9) Place the webbing side down onto the wrong side of the felted sweater scrap. Align the folded lining edge with a straight cut raw edge of the sweater felt.

10) Fuse together with an iron and cut out around the sides and bottom. (Make sure to cover with a damp press cloth and really steam it to be sure it is full fused.)

11) Trace and fuse leaf shape to a piece of wool craft felt. Be sure to use the reversed image as the webbing will be on the back of the applique.
12) Cut out leaf shape. Peel off paper backing and fuse to case.

13) Machine stitch around the edge of the leaf.
14) Mark the vein of the leaf with a fabric marker and machine or hand stitch the detail. Don't worry if it's not perfect...it's a leaf for gosh sakes.

15) Cut out a felt flower and tack in place with a button center. I used a square button as I thought it looked nice with the argyle pattern background.
16) To create the caterpillar, stitch on 4 green buttons with embroidery floss. Add antennae with a straight stitch and a french knot. (for the felt ball variation, cut 1cm felt balls in half and glue the cut sides down with fabric glue. Make french knots for eyes)

17) About 1/8" down from edge, straight stitch top of case, securing folded lining edge to the raw edge of the felt. The felt doesn't need to be finished and would be too bulky if it were turned under.
18) Place rickrack along one edge of the lining to the halfway point. Allow the points to poke out past the edge. Fold in the ends and pin. Baste or straight stitch.

La plantilla esta en esta direccion: http://www.betzwhite.com/PDF/BW_caterpillar_case.pdf
otra forma: